Current Auctions

7. Februar 2025 Siemers Lmda Paris EX-91-USA belongs to one of the most influential cows worldwide! The eight years old Delta-Lambda daughter is dam to the daughterproven sire Siemers Rengd Parfect @ Select Sires at +3064 GTPI / +2.37 PTAT, but also to Siemers Post, Siemers Roztac, Siemers Parx, Siemers Paristore, Siemers Rz Pazzle, Siemers Hulu Paldwyn, Siemers O Parceive and many more! Lmda Paris EX-91 has been named as the Global Cow 2023. Her promising and fresh 2yr. old Lambeau grand daughter DG Pils is this week classified with VG-86-NL 2yr. with VG-88 for her Mammary System! She has a current day production of 39,6kgM and sells in the Eurogenes Winter Sale - Online Tag+ next week! Continue reading.. Mehr lesen

6. Februar 2025 The new tested females of the February 2025 came in recently this week as the second this year and are now available for you at Eurogenes! Topping this intermediate run is a Peak Altakawaii daughter at +3261 GTPI. A Pace daughter from Portugal follows in second at +3235 GTPI. Making the top three complete is a AltaSamson daughter from France at +3209 GTPI. Topping the TYPE (PTAT) is a Hulu *RC daughter with representatively +3.83 PTAT, together with a Hanas daughter from the Bons-Holsteins Koba family. Furthermore we find another Hulu *RC daughter from GAEC Toullec at +3.62 PTAT and goes back to the famous Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA family, show success guaranteed! Click further to view the complete ranking. Mehr lesen

6. Februar 2025 Last week we already reported to you about the two VG-87 2yr. olds at the Meppelink family in Dalen. This week it was the Rith Holstein's turn to have the from the DG breeding program classification; and here too it was party time; a VG-85 2yr. old and a VG-87 2yr. old. DG Palila, a fresh Captain 2yr. old from the Skalsummer Pietje family, scored VG-85 with no less than VG-89 for her Mammary System. DG Pleione P, the POLLED full sister of DG Palila, scored no less than VG-87 with again the maximum score of VG-89 for her Udder! Earlier, DGF Rasberry and DGF Marigold, both also from the DG breeding program and sold thourgh the Eurogenes auction, were also classfied with VG-87 as 2yr. oldss! The next Eurogenes auction is planned and again several heifers will be sold here, including Captain daughters and members of the Skalsumer Pietje family! Continue reading... Mehr lesen

4. Februar 2025 A great Diamond Genetics donor result, meet the fancy DG Delores GP-83-NL 2yr.! She is sired by the Nr.1 source of the breed: Genosource Captain and a great milkproduction cow with in 305 days 11.818kgM with 4.1%F and 3.3% Protein! She guarantees in her US-index still +3027 GTPI with +1.10 PTAT, +1052 NM$, has huge milkproduction traits with +1959kgM, +0.15%F, +0.04%P and 1.8% SCE! Delores GP-83 2yr. is dam to AltaExquisite son DG Veni Vidi Vici @ AI-Total at +3121 GTPI in combination with +1086 NM$, +1.34 PTAT and is sister to DG Adagio @ AI-Total at +3124 GTPI, DG Delaine @ Inseme at +3085 GTPI, DG Dr. No @ AI-Total at +3073 GTPI and many more! Dam to Delores GP-NL 2yr. is Crimson daughter Gen Durkje VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. and goes back to Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA. Continue reading.. Mehr lesen

4. Februar 2025 The well-known show cows Oakfield Solomon Footloose EX-97-USA - 1st place Lifetime Production Cow, Senior & Grand Champion World Dairy Expo and Erbacres Snapple Shakira EX-97-CAN - 1st Lifetime Production Cow at the Royal Winter Fair and Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2023 are crowned as the All-American Lifetime Production Cow and Reserve All-American Lifetime Production Cow 2024! Footloose EX-97 is a grand daughter to Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97-USA, the 2x Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo. At Roubos Holsteins is a great-granddaughter to Frosty EX-97, sired by Doorman: RH Doorman Frosty, she was 1st in her class at the Fokveedag Putten 2024. Continue reading.. Mehr lesen
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Anstehende Veranstaltungen
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USA | Top 25 PTAT Calves (<9 Months) - 12/24
Dezember 2024
1 | LUCK-E HULU ARIANA ET | 4.21 | 2.31 | 2.81 |
2 | WILLSBRO 6516 | 4.15 | 1.56 | 3.20 |
3 | WILLSBRO PREDATOR FRIEDA 6095 | 4.07 | 1.38 | 2.54 |
4 | ARRANVIEW & BRIERYSIDE 2137 | 4.05 | 1.58 | 2.65 |
5 | WILLSBRO PERENNIAL ASHLYN 655 | 4.04 | 2.04 | 2.78 |