
B&W SWISS EXPO 2014! Pictures and results

The B&W Show of the Swiss Expo was won by Delicieuse! A beautiful Pagewire-daughter from the Canadian Cloverland Skylar cow family (Same as Kalibra), bred in France and owned by Globeli Holsteins from Switzerland! Ruegruet Holsteins bred and owns the Champion Heifer and Al-Be-Ro Holsteins is co-owner of the Jr. Milking heifer Champion! Click further for all results and pictures of the B&W Show of the Swiss Expo 2014!


18 January 2014
Judge: Micheal Heath (USA)

Grand Champion: DELICIEUSE (Braedale PAGEWIRE x Comestar EXPORT) à Gobeli Holstein
Reserve Grand Champion:
(Braedale GOLDWYN x ROYlane Jordan) à Fragniere Jean-Louis,
Hon. Mention:  Mollanges September SOLENE (Pursuit SEPTEMBER Storm x Browndale STARDUST) à Henchoz Pascal

Grand Champion:  DELICIEUSE

Res. Grand: Clos Du Praz Goldwyn PRUDENCE

Hon. Mention: Mollanges September SOLENE

Champion Udder: Clos Du Praz Goldwyn PRUDENCE (Braedale GOLDWYN x ROYlane Jordan) à Fragniere Jean-Louis,
Res. Champion Udder: DELICIEUSE (Braedale PAGEWIRE x Comestar EXPORT) à Gobeli Holstein

Champion Best Udder & Res Grand Champion: Clos Du Praz Goldwyn PRUDENCE

(Maple-Downs-I G W ATWOOD x Erbacres DAMION) à Junker Marc und Erhard & Stauf Thomas & Al.Be.Ro.
Reserve Champion: Holst.Papaux Atwood NEPTUNE (W ATWOOD x ErbacresDAMION) à Comex Currat Papaux Pille
Hon. Mention: LISETTE (Sicy KNOWLEDGE x Picston SHOTTLE) à Junker Marc und Erhard,

Jr. Milking Champion: GALYS-VRAY  - Co-Owned by Al-Be-Ro Holsteins, Italy

Jr. Milking Champion: GALYS-VRAY  - Co-Owned by Al-Be-Ro Holsteins, Italy

Hon. Mention: LISETTE

Hon. Mention: LISETTE

Champion Udder: Cross-Hill Goldwyn BENTE (Braedale GOLDWYN x Silky COUSTEAU) à Duss Leo,
Res. Champion Udder: GALYS-VRAY (Maple-Downs-I G W ATWOOD x Erbacres DAMION) à Junker Marc und Erhard & Stauf Thomas & Al.Be.Ro.

Ruegruet Lauthority AUREL (Comestar LAUTHORITY x Erbacres DAMION) à Ruettimann André & Patrick
Res. Champion: Doug Glauco MARKANNE (Toc-Farm Duplex GLAUCO x Alpag Chief MILKWAY) à Dougoud - Rey Eric & Nathalie
Hon. Mention: Everdes Windbrook KARMINA (Gillette WINDBROOK x Markwell KITE) à Everdes Holstein

Jr Champion: Ruegruet Lauthority Aurel - Ruegruet Holsteins

CLASS 1. (9)  Born between 1st May & 30th June 2013
1. De L’Equinox Pelle Vicky, (Pelle), Joseph Vial, Le Cret
2. Les Addoux Atwood Sangria, (Atwood), Claude Charriere, Epagny
3. La Waebera Atwood Suzette, (Atwood), La Weabera, Le Mouret
4. Monny Tripoli Schottline, (Tripoli), Christian & Herve Monney, Les Cullayes
5. Grande Croix Mascalese Nefertiti, (Mascalese), Clement Perrin, Pailly

CLASS 2. (19).  Born between 1st March to 30th April
1. Doug Glauco Markanne, (Glauco), Nathelie Rey & Eric Dougoud, Chables
2. Ruegruet Mascalese Pandra, (Mascalese), Berard J. & Ch. Chassot & J-L Fragniere, Avry-dt- Pont
3.Coum Ilight (Windhammer), Th. Bontant & Coumiere la Gaec, Effincourt – France
4. Ruegruet Braxton Ariel, (Braxton), Patrick & Andre Ruttimann, Hohenrain.
5. Praz-Linila Liverpool Jasmyne, (Liverpool), Patrice Papaux, La Verrerie

1st Class 2: Doug Glauco Markanne

CLASS 3. (20)  Born between 1st Jan to 28th Feb 2013
1. La Weabrea Mr Top Lindiana, (Mr Top), La Weabrea, Le Mouret
2. GS Alliance Acme Dana, (Acme), GS Alliance, Burglen
3. Kolly-JI Sid Frevenn, (Sid), Jean-Louis & Lionel Kolly, Pont la Ville
4. Holst.Papaux Red Eye Palestina, (Red Eye), Comex Currat Papaux Piller, Les Ecasseys
5. Ammann’s Dempsey Tessa, (Dempsey),Karl Ammann, Schwarzenbach

1st Class 3: La Weabrea Mr Top Lindiana

CLASS 4. (14)  Born between 1st Nov to 31st Dec 2012
1. Doug Artes Tina, (Artes), Nathalie Rey & Eric Dougoud, Chables
2. Everdes Stormatic Licorice, (Stormatic), Everdes Holstein, Echarlens
3. Palavill Hf Shottle Carla, (Shottle), Gael & Claude Charriere, Epagny
4. Hellender Hvezda Gharienne, (Hvezda), Andreas, Thomas & Anton Ender
5. Ruegruet Atwood Milana, (Atwood), Patrick & Andre Ruttimann, Hohenrain

1st Class 4: Doug Artes Tina

CLASS 5. (15)  Born between 1st Sept to 31st Oct 2012
1. Jacobs Goldwyn Abela, (Goldwyn), La Waebera, Le Mouret
2. Everdes Windbrook Lamina, (Windbrook), Everdes Holstein, Echarlens
3. Hadagio- He, (Windbrook), Ferme Xaintrie – J.L Lafon, Pleaux, France
4. Hodaia du Tombuy, (Fever), Ferme du Tombuy & Gaec Demere la Tour, France
5. Jungo Hf Colin Jocolin, (Colin), Alan & Severin Jungo, Tentlingen

1st Class 5: Jacobs Goldwyn Abela

CLASS 6. (17)  Born between 1st July to 31st Aug 2012
1. Illens Acme Bambola, (Acme), Jacques Rouiller, Rossens
2. Chetelat Fever Enina, (Fever), Patrick Chetelat, Coourcelon
3. Clos Jolin Hvezda Lyra-Star, (Hvezda), Sebastian Vial, St-Martin
4. Go-Farm Banny, (Numero Uno), Doug Holstein & BAG2, Chables
5. Pelard Alexander Alice, (Alexander), Francis Guigoz, Dranse-Liddes

1st Class 6: Illens Acme Bambola

CLASS 7. (14)  Born between 1st March to 30th June 2012
1. Ruegruet Lauthority Aurel, (Lauthority), Patrick & Andre Ruttimann, Hohenrain
2. Everdes Windbrook Karmina, (Windbrook), Everdes Holsteins, Echarlens
3, Morandale Sid Longhiland, (Sid), Francois Morand, Vuadens
4. Kolly – JI Createur Fibie, (Createur), Jean-Louis & Lionel Kolly, Pont la Ville
5. Reussmullers Knowledge Katanga, (Knowledge), Lukas Steffen, Ufhusen

1st Class 7: Ruegruet Lauthority Aurel - Ruegruet Holsteins

CLASS 8. (8) Born between 1st October to 28th Feb. 2012
1. Illens Fever Anina, (Fever), Jacques Rouiller, Rossens
2. Clos Du Praz Hvezda Tessy, (Hvezda), Jean-Louis Fragniere, Avry-dt-Pont
3. Wyndford Windbrook Erle 6, (Windbrook), Silvia  & D Balestra & Thomann Gaudenz, Vilters
4. Morandale Goldwyn Longoria, (Goldwyn), Francois Morand, Vuadens
5. Supreme Sanchez Nimes, (Sanchez), Patrick Demont, Montheron

1st Class 8: Illens Fever Anina

CLASS 9. (9)
1. Holst. Papaux Atwood Neptune, (Atwood), Comex Currat Papaux Piller, Les Ecasseys - Best Udder
2. Holst. Papaux Sid Narnia, (Sid), Comex Currat Papaux Piller, Les Ecasseys
3. Chetelet Shottle Radieuse, (Shottle) Patrick Chelelat, Courcelon
4. Rogy Goldwyn Ghardaia, (Goldwyn), Joe Demierre, La Joux
5. Supreme Goldsun Nolika, (Goldsun), Patrick Demont, Montheron

1st Class 9: Holst. Papaux Atwood Neptune

2nd Class 9:
Holst. Papaux Sid Narnia

CLASS 10. (10)
1. Goldblack du Tombuy, (Lauthority), Ferme du Tombuy & Gaec Demere la Tour, Gimecourt – France -  Best Udder
2. Holst. Papaux Seaver Natalia, (Seaver), Comex Currat Papaux Piller, Les Ecasseys
3. Royale Seaver Elegance, (Seaver), J & C Perroud & J. Nicolet & P Henchoz, Echallans
4. Piller Hvezda Graziella, (Hvezda), Comex Currat Papaux Piller, Les Ecasseys
5. Tally, (Destry), Cedric & Lionel Dafflon, Autigny

1st Class 10: Goldblack du Tombuy

CLASS 11. (14)
1.Holst. Papaux Fever Noella, (Fever), Comex Currat Papaux Piller, Les Ecasseys -  Best Udder
2. Dupasquier Goldwyn Patricia, (Goldwyn), Francois Morand, Vuadens
3. Hellender Goldwyn Griffen, (Goldwyn), Andreas, Thomas & Anton Ender, Kallem
4. Rogy Shottle Ginny, (Shottle), Joe Demierre, La Joux
5. Mox Sid Roxette, (Sid), Leo Duss & Mox Holsteins, Doppleschwand

1st Class 11: Holst. Papaux Fever Noella

CLASS 12 (7)
1. Galys-Vray, (Atwood), E&M Junker, Stauf Thomas & Al.Be.Ro, Iffwil -  Best Udder
2. Kolly-JI Createur Fraisling, (Createur), Jean-Louis & Lionel Kolly, Pont la Ville
3. Allenbach Goldwyn Jenny, (Goldwyn), Hansruedi Allenbach, Wiedlisbach
4. Ponja, (Hvezda), Karl Ammann, Schwarzenbach
5. Holst. Papaux Denzel Martinique, (Denzel), Comex Currat Papaux Piller, Les Ecasseys

1st Class 12: GALYS-VRAY
    - Atwood x Damion
    - Co-Owned by Al-Be-Ro Holsteins, Italy

1st Class 12: GALYS-VRAY
    - Atwood x Damion
    - Co-Owned by Al-Be-Ro Holsteins, Italy

CLASS 13 (12)
1. GS Alliance Goldwyn Emily, (Goldwyn), GS Alliance, Burglen -  Best Udder
2. Illens Atwood Australia, (Atwood), Jacques Rouiller, Rossens
3. Hellender Talent Eileen, (Talent), Thomas, Andreas & Anton Ender, Kallern
4. Supreme Performance Nirvana, (Performance), Patrick Demont, Montheron
5. Benedicte, (Shottle), Gaec de Wittelshein, Wittelsheim, France

1st Class 13: GS Alliance Goldwyn Emily
   - Owned by GS Alliance

3rd Class 13: Hellender Talent Eileen
   - Owned by Hellender Holsteins

CLASS 14 (15)
1. Swisslor Damion Loria, (Damion), Michel & Benoit Gremaud, Bulle
2. GS & Ruegruet Atwood Adera, (Atwood), GS Alliance, Burglen
3. Rogy Jasper Emeraude, (Jasper), Joe Demierre, La Joux -  Best Udder
4. Riedmullers Bolton Chantal, (Bolton), Rinaldo Muller, Sarmenstoft
5. Mollanges Styliste Simone, (Styliste), Pascal Henchoz, Essertines

1st Class 14: Swisslor Damion Loria

1st Class 14: Swisslor Damion Loria

2nd Class 14: GS & Ruegruet Atwood Adera, (Atwood), GS Alliance, Burglen
    - Owned by: GS Alliance, Burglen
    - Atwood x Ruegruet Mr Sam Adonia

CLASS 15 (14)
1. Lisette, (Knowledge), Marc & Erhard Junker, Iffwil
2. Cross-Hill Goldwyn Bente (Goldwyn), Leo Duss, Doppleschwand -  Best Udder
3. Bul-R Sanchez Himalaya, (Sanchez), Raymond Buehler, Courtelary
4. Les Ponts Damion Elisia, (Damion), Claude Dumas, Vaulruz
5. La Waebera Mr Sam Pastis, (Sam), Michel Clement & Claude Charriere, Epagny

1st Class 15: Lisette

1st Class 15:

3rd Class 15: Bul-R Sanchez Himalaya

CLASS 16 (14)
1. Bel Goldwyn Goldriana, (Goldwyn), Lorenz Bach & Gobeli Holstein, Saanen -  Best Udder - BRED BY S. GIRARD
2. Illen Velvet Valesia, (Velvet), Jacques Rouiller, Rossens
3. GS Alliance Goldwyn Frosty, (Goldwyn), GS Alliance, Burglen
4. Bel Goldwyn Golriana, (Goldwyn), Marc & Erhard Junker, Iffwil
5. Wilt Enia, (Jasper), Wilt Gaec, Dachstein, France

1st & 2nd of Class 16

Bel Goldwyn Goldriana
- 1st in Class 16
    - Bred by Samuel Girard

2nd Class 16: Illen Velvet Valesia

3rd Class 16: GS Alliance Goldwyn Frosty

CLASS 17 (14)
1. Cloz du Praz Goldwyn Prudence, (Goldwyn), Jean-Louis Fragniere, Avry-dt Pont -  Best Udder
2. Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta, (Jasper) GS Alliance & Ruegruet Holsteins, Burglen
3. Mattenhof Goldwyn Ronja, (Goldwyn), Gobeli Holsteins, Saanen
4. Germain Damion Amsterdam, (Damion) Phillippe Germain, St George
5. Delta, (Mr Burns), Patrice Defago, Val d’Illiez

1st Class 17: Cloz du Praz Goldwyn Prudence

1st Class 17: Cloz du Praz Goldwyn Prudence

2nd Class 17: Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta
    - Owned by GS Alliance & Ruegruet Holsteins
    - Jasper x Goldwyn x MD Delight Durham Atlee

CLASS 18.  (22)
1. Holst. Papaux Sanchez Luciana, (Sanchez), Comex Currat Papaux Piller, Les Ecasseys
2. Mattenhof Lightening Utta, (Lightening), Flury, Al.Be.Ro.nLadina Reto. Aeschi
3. Holst. Papaux Goldwyn Emira, (Goldwyn) Comex Currat Papaux Piller & Meylan, Les Ecasseys
4. Plattery Saphir Parade, (Saphir), Christian Menoud, Romanens
5. Holst. Papaux Stormatic Jackie, (Stormatic), Comex Currat Papaux Piller, Les Ecasseys

1st Class 18: Holst. Papaux Sanchez Luciana

2nd Class 18: Mattenhof Lightening Utta, (Lightening), Flury, Al.Be.Ro.nLadina Reto. Aeschi

2nd Class 18: Mattenhof Lightening Utta, (Lightening), Flury, Al.Be.Ro.nLadina Reto. Aeschi

Class 3: Holst. Papaux Goldwyn Emira

CLASS 19. (14)
1. Delicieuse, (Pagewire), Gobeli Holstein, Sannen -  Best Udder
2. Piller Roy Doucine, (Roy), Comex Currat Papaux Piller, Les Ecasseys
3. Illens Jerry Suede, (Jerry), Jacques Rouiller, Rossens
4. Allisone, (Glen), Pierre-Yves & Pascal Barbey, Dompierre
5. A-L-H Talent Dexia, (Talent), Domaine du Chateau, Espendes

1st Class 19: Delicieuse

CLASS 20. (7)
1. Mollanges September Solene, (September), Pascal Henchoz, Essertines -  Best Udder
2. Holst. Papaux Manhatten Gauloise, (Manhatten), Comex Currat Papaux Piller, Les Ecasseys
3. Gut-Chloe, (Duplex), Gaec Gutzwiller , France
4. Wilt Vella, (Talent), Nicolas Uldry, Le Chatelard
5. Marilot Decker Nuova, (Decker), Nicolas Uldry, Le Chatelard

Class 20: Mollanges September Solene

1st Class 20: Mollanges September Solene

2nd Class 20: Holst. Papaux Manhatten Gauloise

CLASS 21. (4)
1. Ptit-Coeur Iron Dirona, (Iron) GS Alliance, Burglen -  Best Udder
2. Le Mesnil D’O Lheros Victoria, (Lheros) Christian & Jacques Rey, Les Verrieres
3. Hellender Champion Cortina, (Champion), Thomas Ender & Eric Schopfer, Motiers
4. Hellender Champion Corina, (Champion) Anton, Thomas, Andreas Ender, Kallern

1st Class 21: Ptit-Coeur Iron Dirona *RC, (Iron) GS Alliance, Burglen

2nd Class 21: Le Mesnil D’O Lheros Victoria

Hellender Champion Cortina - Hellender Holsteins

Sister Cortina & Corina: Hellender Holsteins

Line Up Jr Championship

GS Alliance Goldwyn Emily - GS ALLIANCE

Lisette & Bente

Rogy Jasper Emeraude


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