
Drouner AJDH Cosmo: Huge FAT & PROTEIN cow

Drouner AJDH Cosmo VG-87-DE 2yr. has already proven her as a huge transmitting young cow. She has no less then 7 sons in AI and several high-ranking daughters. She was sold in one of the online Eurogenes Sales to Colonia Holsteins Germany. With > 12.000kg Milk in 305 days she is also a huge producing cow for the Colonia herd. She belongs in the top 3 2-Yr. olds production cows for Fat & Protein in Germany (2014 / 2015) with 4.91% Fat & 3.76% Protein! From Drouner AJDH Cosmo is selling a first choice Supershot grand son trough her +2517 GTPI Headliner daughter, Col Carmen. This lot has 2 full sisters with 162 and 165 RZG in the preliminary RZG results!




First Choice Supershot from Col Carmen, a Headliner x VG Freddie x Cosmopolitan sells! Two bulls born already. Supershot’s first sons from a mega high g TPI dam!

Col Carmen - First choice Supershot son sells
--> 2517 GTPI Headliner daughter
--> Grand daughter of Larcrest Cosmopolitan! 
--> First 2 Supershot dtrs scoring 162 and 165 RZG in the German preliminary results

Drouner AJDH Cosmo VG-87-DE 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
La1 305d 12.360kgM 4.91% 607F 3.76% 465P
--> Top 3 2-Yr. Old production cow for Fat & Protein in Germany 2014 / 2015

Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1.

Learn more about Colonia Cows - view their Eurogenes profile
To contact Colonia Cows, click here or use the following contact information.

Colonia Cows
Schöpcherhof 1
Lohmar, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 15112121766
Web Site: http://www.coloniacows.de
Email: christoph.luepschen@t-online.de

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