
Early Detox dtr Dijs Lauria wins youngest class at SPACE

Our-Favorite DETOX *RC  (Shottle x Goldwyn x Scientific Debutante Rae) his first daughters are calving now. He is amongst the very highest RC bulls in the breed with dtrs in his index, and his daughters are impressing people in the barns and in the show ring. In France an early Detox dtr of SCL Dijs, Dijs Lauria *RC won the youngest class at the French National SPACE show and became Honourable Mention 2-Yr. Old. Her 3rd dam is the famous Canadian brood cow, Delaberge Durham Lucille EX-93-CAN 2E! Click furhter to see more snapshot pictures in the show ring.

Below some snapshots of DIJS LAURIA *RC of SCL DIJS
DETOX *RC x Laramee Mor x Oman x Delaberge Durham Lucille EX-93-CAN 2E
- Sold for 50% to GAEC Morel
- Same family as one of the highest Polled heifers in Europe: DIJS Jcolt *RC *P

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