HET DJ Cosima-ET
(Discjockey x Pace x Balisto)
+137 RZE (Type) in combination with +139 RZG & +243 NVI (12/20)
Hurkmans ET
Reg No.
February 18, 2020Genomic Result
DE 12/20 RZE +137 / RZM +124 / RZG +139NL 12/20 Type +112 / NVI +243
- Discjockey daughter with +139 RZG, +243 NVI from the Diepenhoek Chanel's
- Great German index: +698 Milch / +0.06%F / +0.09%P / 115 RZN / 142 Udders / 107 RZR
- Great TYPE numbers in both indexes: +137 RZE (Germany) and +112 Type (NL) - December 2020
- Grand dam is the former #10 gNVI Heifer in Europe!
- Grand dam is a sister to Gandhi @ Vost & Gustavo @ RBB. Both Top 10 RZG Galaxy sons in Germany
- Same family as O-Cosmopolitan, Cancun, Chevrolet, Fanatic & more
HET Pace Cosmo *RC VG-85-NL 2yr.
HET Pace Cosmo *RC VG-85-NL 2yr.
- High ranking *RC Pace dtr with: +159 RZG & +2541 gTPI (08/18)
- Fantastic components in her index: +0.10% Fat & +0.11% Protein! (08/18)
Diepenhoek Chanel VG-87-NL
Diepenhoek Chanel VG-87-NL
2.07 305d 9.728kgM 4.8% 465F 4.0% 390P
3.09 305d 12.227kgM 4.4% 539F 3.9% 479P
5.00 305d 12.829kgM 4.3% 557F 3.5% 448P
3.09 305d 12.227kgM 4.4% 539F 3.9% 479P
5.00 305d 12.829kgM 4.3% 557F 3.5% 448P
- Dam to a Sidekick dtr who is the former #1 NVI / 4.0% PROTEIN
- Maternal sister to DG Christa VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.
- Maternal sister to Gandhi @ Vost & Gustavo @ RBB. Both Top 10 RZG Galaxy sons in Germany (12/15)
- Maternal sister to Blooper @ AI Total | 12/15 gNVI 255
De-Su 11236 BALISTO
Roccafarm Beacon Chrissy VG-87-NL 2yr.
Roccafarm Beacon Chrissy VG-87-NL 2yr.
2.03 305d 9.041kgM 5.0% 446F 3.8% 343P
- #3 GTPI Beacon in Europe & one of the highest RZG cows in Germany (12/15)
- Galaxy daughter €16.000
- High offspring in different test systems
- Her 1st daughter is fresh and already scored VG-87-NL with VG-89-MS 2yr. Old!
Next Dams
4th Larcrest Chenile-ET VG-86-2YR-USA
5th Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM
6th Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM
7th Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA
8th Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA