
Last Part pictures. And requests.

Click further for the last part of the professional pictures taken for the Eurogenes Summer Sale '13. For any additional pictures or missing pictures, request them through info@eurogenes.nl or Tel. +31 (0)6 43985150

Lot 22. Sioux Mogul Neuva 8
#3 GLPI heifer in Europe, #7 Mogul World Wide! Top 50 GTPI heifer Europe - GTPI +2370!

Lot 23. JK Eder Lazia
GTPI +2260 Latimer dtr from Superstition x EX-91 Marion x Ralma Christmas Cookie

Lot 30. DG Scream & Shout
Lovely Lexor dtr from the famous Bertaiola Alx Lidia! Next dam is full sister to Mincio! Sells with embryo contracts!

Lot 40. JK Eder Ada *RC
RED CARRIER Shamrock dtr from the Alumette cow family

Lot 47. HS Mogul Eva - 3 Months Old on picture
#2 GTPI OUTCROSS Heifer in Europe (GTPI +2390)! Mogul x Active x Ricecrest Kaye cow family


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