
New pictures of the World Champion KALIBRA!!

A cow which doesn't need an introduction, Decrausaz Iron O'Kalibra EX-97-CH, Swiss Expo Grand Champion, European Show Grand Champion and HI World Champion! She has been pictured for many many times in multiple occasions, recently she pictured in between the Swiss mountain at her home address of GS Alliance as a 7 year old cow. Watch for her pictures here! Kalibra leaves a great legacy as well, one of her greatest descendants lives in the Netherlands: Wilcor Goldwin O'Kadabra at Hullcrest Holsteins!




Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97-CH
            * Grand Champion European Show Fribourg ‘13
            * Triple Grand Champion Swiss Expo ’15, ’13 & ‘12

Wilcor Goldwin O’Kadabra (PEDIGREE
            * Grand daughter of O’Kalibra!
            * Goldwyn x Sid x Kalibra

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