
Nico Bons judged Emerald Expo

Nico Bons (from Bons-Holsteins) has judged Emerald Expo 2014 in Ireland. Laurelmore Duplex Impala EX-93 crowned Grand Champion of this high quality show. For pictures and results.

Nico Bons crowns Laurelmore Duplex Impala EX-93 as Grand Champion of the Emerald Expo 2014.


Emerald Expo Results 2014

Lau­rel­more Duplex Impala EX93 crowned Grand Cham­pion of Emer­ald Expo 2014!

The Hub at Cilin Hill Kilkenny was the venue once again for the Emer­ald Expo on Sat­ur­day 26th April where spec­ta­tors were treated to Qual­ity Hol­stein Friesian and excel­lent judg­ing by Nico Bons from Hol­land. The judges rea­sons were such that every­one were in full agree­ment with every class. The music, the light­ing and the large crowd of spec­ta­tors added to the elec­tric atmos­phere. Prob­a­bly the best Emer­ald Expo show to date!
This All Breeds show was well rep­re­sented in all the classes with Hol­stein, Irish Pure Friesian, Short­horn and Jer­sey com­pet­ing.
With a record prize fund of €25K, we must be very thank­ful to all our spon­sors in par­tic­u­lar our major spon­sor All­tech.
The show was offi­cially opened by Eddie Downey, recently elected Pres­i­dent of IFA to whom we are very thank­ful. Kevin in his com­ments referred to the strong demand for dairy prod­ucts but as dairy farm­ers all need to be mind­ful of volatil­ity in the mar­ket place.
The judge offi­ci­at­ing at the show was the well known and respected Inter­na­tional judge Nico Bons from “Bons Hol­steins” Hol­land. He is a mem­ber of the Euro­pean judge’s panel.He won the 2013 cham­pion at the Benelux show and fea­tures promi­nently every year at the Dutch National show.
 His excel­lent herd con­sists of 65 milk­ing cows and 45 head of young stock. There are 27 Cows clas­si­fied EX and 34 VG includ­ing 16VG 2year-olds.
Aver­age pro­duc­tion is 10,414 kgs 4.50 % Fat & 3.52 % Pro­tein.
Nico describes his ideal cow as “capa­cious cows with frame, hav­ing wide rump and cor­rect rump struc­ture with great udders”.

The Lau­rel­more herd of John & Johnny Bar­rett from Co Cork and made a great come back tak­ing the supreme cham­pion back South  once again.
The Supreme Cham­pion and Exhibitor Bred Cham­pion was won by the senior cow “Lau­rel­more Duplex Impala”. She also win Best Udder of the show. She is also a tremen­dous milk cow hav­ing pro­duced 14,019 Kgs at 3.65%BF and 3.39%Pr in her last lac­ta­tion, 305 days.
 The judge was really impressed by the qual­ity of his final line up and com­mented “That these cows were capa­ble of win­ning at the Euro­pean Show”. He said that Ire­land should think of exhibit­ing at the next Euro­pean Show in France in 2016.
There were five cows, all exhibitor bred in con­tention at the final. They were the Junior Heifer “Hal­low Atwood Twiz­zle” owned By Philip Jones, The Senior heifer “Clon­paddin MPW Jill” owned by Garry Hur­ley, The Junior Cow “Glass­lough Miss Petra” owned By David & Kenny Boyd, The senior Cow “Lau­rel­more Duplex Impala owned by John&Johnny Bar­rett Co Cork and The Pro­duc­tion Class win­ner “Hal­low Lheros Indi­anink” owned by  Philip Jones, Gorey, Co Wick­low.
In tap­ping out his supreme cham­pion to tremen­dous applause the judge com­mented on the over­all dairy frame,excellent loco­mo­tion and qual­ity udder all in one pack­age.
“These are the best cows as a group that I have ever judged in my career, their qual­ity is awe­some”
 The Reserve Cham­pion was won by “Glass­lough Miss Petra”owned By David and Kenny Boyd, Co Mon­aghan. This cow was crowned cham­pion at the recent Moira show in North­ern Ire­land.
  Hon­ourable men­tion was won by the Jones fam­ily, Co Wex­ford with their Cow “Hal­low Lheros Indi­anink”
The Junior Cham­pion” was won by “Tub­ber­toby Atwood Fran” owned by Paul Flanagan


Junior Cham­pion Tub­ber­toby Atwood Fran owned and exhib­ited by Paul Flana­gan (at hal­ter) with Judge Nico Bons, Nether­lands and William Minchin, Zoetis, sponsor.

The Inter­me­di­ate Cham­pion was won by Hal­low Atwood Twiz­zle” owned by Philip Jones


Inter­me­di­ate Cham­pion: Hal­low Atwood Twiz­zle owned & exhib­ited by Philip & Linda Jones. From left: Judge Nico Bons, Nether­lands, Philip Jones & son Will with Gor­don Kingston, ABS Ire­land, sponsor.

There was a very good turnout in the Pure Friesian sec­tion. Pat Cleary took the Cham­pi­onship with “Black­isle Maple 57”. She was cham­pion in Tul­lam­ore last August. A great cow of the Friesian type with a really snug udder. Reserve went to Phil, Matt and Bill O Keeffe with “Churchclara Blackie Circus”.They also took Hon­ourable Men­tion with “Churchclara Cool Cilla”


Irish Pure Friesian Cham­pion Black­isle Mable 57 owned & exhib­ited by Pat Cleary. From left: Judge Nico Bons, Nether­lands, Ann Maree Man­ley at hal­ter, Pat Cleary and Donal Carey, IHFA.

The High­est EBI award was won by the pure Friesian cow “Moun­tain Piet Rosie” owned by Michael Spillane. Co Tip. Her EBI is €158.
There was very strong com­pe­ti­tion in the two young stock­man­ship and han­dling classes with 20 young boys and girls com­pet­ing. It is a great credit to the young­sters to see them all turned out so pro­fes­sion­ally. The YMA has a great future ahead with the cal­i­bre of its young mem­bers.
The over­all Cham­pion han­dler was Edwin Gaynor, Mul­lagh­lands, Co Cavan. Reserve going to Kevin Smith, Don­eraile, Co Cork, and Hon­ourable men­tion going to Stacey O’ Sul­li­van Knockbrown,Bandon Co Cork.
The Pre­mier Exhibitor and Pre­mier Breeder Award was won by the Jones fam­ily, Gorey, Co Wex­ford.
The Jer­sey Cham­pion was “Clan­de­boy Pride” owned by Philip Jones
The Short­horn Cham­pion was “Monas­teror­ris Jen­nie Deans owned By Michael Man­ley, Eden­derry Co Offaly
The major spon­sor for this event was IHFA , All­tech Ire­land , Dept. of Agri­cul­ture Food and the Marine and FBD Insur­ance.
 Key spon­sors include FBD, Zoetis (Pfizer ani­mal health) ‚Glanbia-Gain Feeds, Nor­brook Laboratories,Volac, Novartis,KW For­age, Elanco,  ABS .
Asso­ciate spon­sors were  Agri Aware, Macra na Feirme, IFA, ASA, ICMSA, Tea­gasc, AIB, Kilkenny Mart, Irish Pure Friesian club,Shorthorn soci­ety, Jer­sey soci­ety, Ani­max,  Dovea Genet­ics, Euro­gene, Semen World, Bova AI, Pro­gres­sive Genetics/Semex , Volac,  Lake­land Dairies and Bovi Genet­ics.
I wish to thank all our spon­sors for their con­tin­ued  sup­port.
I wish to thank Padraig French who orga­nized the Tea­gasc stand and his col­league Abi­gail Ryan.

Charles Gal­lagher.


Class 1 – McAuley Feeds Hol­stein Friesian Heifer born after 1st Sept. 2013
1st Clon­paddin G Chip Fame Owner/Exhibitor: Gary Hur­ley, Clon­paddin, Bal­ly­moyle, Ark­low, Co. Wick­low.
2nd Cahirmee Demp Per­fec­tion Owner/Exhibitor: Pat Smith, Cahirmee, Don­eraile, Co. Cork.
3rd Cahirmee, Dempsey Per­fec­tion owned by Pat Smith, Cahirmee, Don­eraile, Co. Cork
4th Clon­paddin Atwood owned by Gary Hur­ley, Bal­ly­moyle, Ark­low, Co. Wick­low.
5th Ever­green Seven Lau­ren owned by Liam & San­dra Mur­phy, Co. Car­low
6th Lumville Ann August owned by Richard Whe­lan, Towlagh, Clonard, Co. Meath.
High­est EBI: Ever­green Seven Lau­ren
Best Exhibitor Bred: Clon­paddin G Ghip Fame

Class 2 – Euro­gene Heifer born between 1st March ’13 & 31st August ‘13
1st Glaslough Damion Breeze owned by David & Kenny Boyd, Glaslough, Co. Mon­aghan.
2nd Croagh Susie Mist 92 owned by Patrick & Der­rick Fraw­ley, Croagh, Rathkeale, Co. Lim­er­ick.
3rd Mul­lagh­lands Dusk August owned by Patrick Gaynor, Mul­lagh­lands, Co. Cavan.
4th Lumville F Chrissie owned by Richard Whe­lan, Towlagh, Clonard, Co. Meath.
High­est EBI – Lumville F Chrissie
Best Exhibitor Bred: Glaslough Damion Breeze

Class 3 – The Macra na Feirme Heifer born between 1st Sept ’12 & 28th Feb ‘13
1st Cahirmee Atwood Pres­ence owned by Pat Smith, Cahirmee, Don­eraile, Co. Cork.
2nd Clon­paddin AFT Mona owned by Gary Hur­ley, Clon­paddin, , Ark­low, Co. Wick­low.
3rd Lumville Dar­ren Chrissie owned by Richard Whe­lan, Towlagh, Clonard, Co. Meath.
4th Knock­brown Cricket Lulu owned by David O’Sullivan, Knock­brown, Ban­don, Co. Cork.
5th Hal­low Sid Nico­lette 2 owned by Jack Cooney, Co. Cavan
6th Bonagh­more Rosie Mam­moth owned by Kevin Behan, Bonagh­more, Rathangan, Co. Kil­dare.
High­est EBI: Knock­brown Cricket Lulu
Best Exhibitor bred: Cahire­mee Atwood Presence

Class 4 – The Kilkenny Mart Hol­stein Friesian Heifer born between  1st March ’12 and 31t Aug ‘12
1st Tub­ber­toby Atwood Fran owned by Paul Flana­gan, Ter­mon­feckin, Drogheda, Co. Louth.
2nd Hal­low Fever Grace owned by Philip & Linda Jones, Gorey, Co. Wex­ford.
3rd Buna­cloy Wind­brook Tipsy owned by Michael Magan, Buna­cloy, Co. Long­ford.
4th Lumville Augemmy owned by Richard Whe­lan, Towlagh, Clonard, Co. Meath.

Class 5 – The Irish Short­horn Junior Short­horn Heifer not calved
1st Kil­risk Fanny 2nd owned by Ken­neth Smyth
2nd Monas­teroris Songstress 5th owed by Michael Manley

Emer­ald Expo Junior Cham­pi­onship
Cham­pion: Tub­ber­toby Atwood Fran owned by Paul Flana­gan, Ter­mon­feckin, Co. Louth.
Reserve: Cahirmee Atwood Pres­ence owned by Pat Smith, Cahirmee, Don­eraile, Co. Cork
Hon­ourable Men­tion: Glaslough Damion Breeze owned by David & Ken­neth Boyd, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan.

Han­dler Class H1 – Spon­sored by Volac
Han­dler aged 16 & Under on 1st Jan­u­ary 2014 exhibit­ing a calf born on or after 1st July 2012
1st Kevin Smith, Cahirmee, Don­eraile, Co. Cork.
2nd Pau­ric Cole­man, Tin­necar­rig, Bor­ris, Co. Car­low.
3rd Doire­ann Mul­hall, Danville, Co. Kilkenny.
4th Lau­ren O’Toole, Ever­green, Bag­nel­stown, Co. Car­low.
5th Michael O’Sullivan, Knock­brown, Ban­don, Co. Cork.
6th Sinead O’Sullivan, Knock­brown, Ban­don, Co. Cork.

Han­dler Class H2 – Spon­sored by Volac
Han­dler aged between 17 & 26 on 1st jan 2014 exhibit­ing a calf born on or after 1st July 2012
1st Edwin Gaynor
2nd Stacey O’Sullivan, Knock­brown, Ban­don, Co. Cork.
3rd Kevin Behan, Rathangan, Co. Kilk­dare,
4th Andrea Raf­ferty, Mul­lack­brackscott, Co. Mon­aghan.
5th Emma Behan, Rathangan, Co. Kildare.

Volac Han­dler Championship

Emer­ald Expo Han­der Cham­pi­onship From left: Hon­ourable Men­tion Stacey O’Sullivan, Knock­brown, Ban­don, Co. Cork, Reserve Cham­pion Kevin Smith, Cahirmee, Don­eraile, Co. Cork and Han­dler Cham­pion Edwin Gaynor, Mul­lagh, Co. Cavan with David Whyte, Volac — spon­sors.
Cham­pion: Edwin Gaynor, Mul­lagh­lands, Vir­ginia, Co. Cavan
Reserve: Kevin Smith, Cahirmee, Don­eraile, Co. Cork.
Hon­ourable Men­tion: Stacey O’Sullivan, Knock­brown, Ban­don, Co. Cork.

The ICMSA Irish Pure Friesian Heifer in Milk
1st Churchclara Baby Birch owned by Bill O’Keeffe, Churchclara, Co. Kilkenny.
2nd Kil­sunny Ruby 84 owned by Trevor Dud­ley, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tip­per­ary.
3rd Kil­sunny Ruby 87 owned by Trevor Dud­ley, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

The Irish Short­horn Soci­ety Short­horn Heifer in Milk
1st Monas­teroris Fanny 9th owned by Michael Manley.

The Ani­max Hol­stein Friesian Dry Cow Class
1st Lumville Danoise 2 owned by Richard Whe­lan, Towlagh, Clonard, Co. Meath
2nd Bally­boy Gib­son Car­men owned by Kevin Behan, Bonagh­more, Rathangan, Co. Kildare.

The Bova A.I. Junior Irish Pure Friesian Cow in Millk
1st Churchclara Cool Cilla owned by Bill O’Keeffe, Churchclara, Co. Kilkenny.
2nd Kil­sunny Judy 133 owned by Trevor Dud­ley, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tip­per­ary.
3rd Moun­tain Piet Rosie owned by Michael Spillane, Limerick.

Pear­sons Jer­sey Heifer in Milk
1st Clan­de­boye Pride Genevive owned by Gary Jones and Izzy Whittaker. 

The Dovea Genet­ics Irish Pure Friesian Senior Cow in Milk
 1st Black­isle Mabel owned by Pat Cleary, Hug­gin­stown, Kilkenny
2nd Churchclara Blackie Cir­cus owned by Bill O’Keeffe
3rd Dunum Blos­som 2 owned by Ger­ard Maher, Doon, Co. Lim­er­ick.
4th Black­isle Pauline  ET owned by Pat O’Keeffe, Churchclara, Co. Kikenny.
5th Kil­sunny Trump  owned by Trevor Dud­ley, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tip­per­ary.
6th Moun­tain Gle­nal­byn Rosie owned by Michael Spillane, Lim­er­ick.
7th Car­rick­shock Erin 2 owned by Pat Cleary, Hug­gin­stown, Co. Kilkenny.

Short­horn Cow in Milk
1st Monas­teroris Jen­nie Deans 8th owned by Michael Man­ley
2nd Kil­risk Fanny owned by Ken­neth Smyth

Jer­sey Championship

Over­all Jer­sey Cham­pion Clan­de­boye Pride Genevive owned by Gary Jones and Izzy Whit­taker led by Izzy with Judge Nico Bons (left), Nether­lands, and James Hod­gins, Sales Man­ager, Pear­sons.
Cham­pion: Clan­de­boye Pride Genevive owned by Gary Jones and Izzy Whit­taker, Gorey, Co. Wex­ford.
Reserve: Mul­lagh­lands Pride Swiss owned by Patrick Gaynor, Mul­lagh­lands, Mul­lagh, Co. Cavan.

Irish Short­horn Over­all Championship

Over­all Short­horn Cham­pion Monas­teroris Jen­nie Deans 8th with Ann Marie Man­ley at the hal­ter with Judge Nico Bons, Nether­lands and Mary Pur­cell, Sec­re­tary of the Irish Short­horn Soci­ety.
Cham­pion: Monas­teroris Jen­nie Deans 8th  owned by Michael Man­ley
Reserve: Kil­risk Fanny 2nd owned by Ken­neth Smyth
Hon­ourable Men­tion: Kil­risk Fanny owned by Ken­neth Smyth

Irish Pure Friesian Cham­pi­onship
Cham­pion: Black­isle Mable 57 owned by Pat Cleary, Hug­gin­stown , Co. Kilkenny
Reserve: Churclara Blackie Cir­cus owned by Bill O’Keeffe, Churchclara, Clif­den, Co. Kilkenny.
Hon­ourable Men­tion: Churchclara Cool Cilla owned by Bill O’Keeffe, Churchclara, Clif­den, Co. Kilkenny.

KW For­age Junior Heifer in Milk Born after 1st Sep­tem­ber ’11 & 28th Feb ‘11
1st: Hal­low Atwood Twiz­zle owned by Philip & Linda Joes, Gorey, Co. Wex­ford
2nd Tub­ber­toby Seayer Ash­ley owned by Paul Flana­gan, Ter­mon­feckin, Co. Louth
3rd Green­lea Knowl­edge Pledge ET owned by Padraig Greenan, Crosshugh, Co. Mon­aghan
4th Ever­green Wood Blaze owned by Liam & San­dra Mur­phy, Fenagh, Bag­nel­stown, Co. Carlow.

The Pro­gres­sive Genetics/Semex Senior Heifer in Milk born between 1st March ’11 & 31st Aug ‘11
1st Clon­paddin MPW Jill owned by Gary Hur­ley, Clon­paddin, Ark­low, Co. Wick­low.
2nd Tub­ber­toby Sid Jenn owned by Paul Flana­gan, Ter­mon­feckin, Co. Louth.
3rd Maynooth Pre­cious Gold Ali­son owned by Richard Whe­lan, Clonard, Co. Meath
4th BGal­don­nel Fever Rose­bud owned by Cyril & John Dowl­ing, Bal­don­nel, Co. Dublin.
5th Lumville Jet-Red Mar­leen owned by Jack Cooney, Cavan

The Nor­brook Lab­o­ra­to­ries Junior Cow in Millk
1st  Bal­don­nel Sanchez Vera owned by Cyril & John Dowl­ing, Bal­don­nel, Co. Dublin.
2nd Weepin­gash Jasper Appoint owned by Michael Magan, Buna­cloy, Co. Longford.

Emer­ald Expo Inter­me­di­ate Cham­pi­onship
Cham­pion: Hal­low Atwood Twiz­zle owned by Philip & Linda Jones, Gorey, Co. Wex­ford.
Reserve: Clon­paddin WPW Jill owned by Gary Hur­ley, Clon­paddin, Ark­low, Co. Wick­low.
Hon. Men­tion: Bal­don­nel Sanchez Vera owned by Cyril & John Dowl­ing, Bal­don­nel, Co. Dublin.

The Dovea Genet­ics cow in milk born between 1st March ’09 and 28th Feb’10
1st Hal­low Mojo Daisy owned by Philip & Linda Jones, Gorey, Co. Wex­ford.
2nd Lau­rel­more Pala Vera owned by John & Rickey Bar­rett & Sons, Lau­rel­more, Togher, Cork.
3rd Swift­sheath Breeze 1114 owned by Tom Mur­phy, Swift­sheath, Jenk­in­stown, Co. Kilkenny.

The Gain Cow in Milk born between 1st March ’08 & 28th Feb ‘09
1st Glaslough Miss Petra owned by David & Kenny Boyd, Glaslough, Co. Mon­aghan.
2nd Croagh Susie Mist 47 owned by Patrick & Der­rick Fraw­ley, Croagh, Rathkeale, Co. Lim­er­ick.
3rd Rosstem­ple Min­is­ter Cindy owned by John Curtin, Rosstem­ple, Co. Limerick.

The IHFA All Ire­land Senior Cow in Milk born betore 1st March ‘08
1st Lau­rel­more Duplex Impala owned by John & Rickey Bar­rett & Sons, Togher, Cork.
2nd Hal­low Lheros Indi­anink owned by Philip & Linda Jones, Gorey, Co. Wex­ford.
3rd Glaslough Gold­wyn Bret owned by David & Kenny Boyd, Glaslough, Co. Mon­aghan.
4th Clon­paddin DLX Chrisi owned by Gary Hur­ley, Clon­paddin, Ark­low, Co. Wicklow.

The Elanco Pro­duc­tion Class judged on Con­for­ma­tion con­fined to cows hav­ing pro­duced over 50,000kgs of milk or 3,000kgs life­time com­bined fat & Pro­tein
1st Hal­low Lheros Indi­anink owned by Philip & Linda Jones, Gorey, Co. Wex­ford.
2nd Glaslough Gold­wyn Bret owned by David & Kenny Boyd, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan.

The FBD Best Group of 3 Females
1st Philip & Linda Jones, Hal­low Herd, Gorey, Co. Wex­ford.
2nd David & Kenny Boyd, Glaslough Herd, Glaslough, Co. Mon­aghan.
3rd Paul Flana­gan, Tub­ber­toby Herd, Ter­mon­fecin, Co. Louth.
4th Gary Hur­ley, Clon­paddin Herd, Ark­low, Co. Wick­low.
5th  Pat Smith, Cahirmee Herd, Cahirmee, Don­eraile, Co. Cork.
Best Udder:  Lau­rel­more Duplex Impala bred by John & Ricky Bar­rett & Sons, Lau­rel­more, Togher, Cork.

Emer­ald Expo 2014 All­tech Supreme Cham­pion, Reserve and Hon­ourable Men­tion.  From left: Hon­ourable Men­tion Philip Jones with Hal­low Lheros Indi­anink, Denis O’Neill at the hal­ter of David & Kenny Boyd’s Glaslough Gold­wyn Bret — Reserve Cham­pion and Johnny Bar­rett with the Supreme Cham­pion Lau­rel­more Duplex Impala.

IHFA Exhibitor Bred Cham­pion: Lau­rel­more Duplex Impala bred by John & Ricky Bar­rett & Sons, Lau­rel­more, Togher, Cork.

ICBF High­est Over­all EBI Award: Michael Spillane, Moun­tain Piet Rosie

The IFA Pre­mier Breeder: Philip & Linda Jones, Hal­low Herd, Gorey, Co. Wexford.

The IFA Pre­mier Exhibitor: Philip & Lind Jones, Hal­low Herd, Gorey, Co. Wexford.

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Ottoland, Netherlands
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Email: bons-holsteins@planet.nl

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