
Pictures & High scores for Dellia & Femmy offspring

Descendants from the great Southland Dellia & Bouw Femmy cow family have been pictured and scored with the high score of VG-87 2yr. old at Manders Holsteins! Manders Dellia 21 is an early milking daughter of Danno, projected with almost 12.000kg milk in her 1st lactation with 3.6% PROTEIN and carries a great sire stack with Man-O-Man and Goldwyn in her pedigree. Her herd mate: Manders Femmy (s. Sundance) is the granddaughter of the brood phenomenon: Bouw Femmy VG-88-UK, and already has a huge ranking polled Rafter daughter (+342 NVI 08/16). Bouw Femmy is the dam to Snowfever, Snowblast, Snowrush & grand dam to Bouw Rocky & Finder!





Manders Dellia 21 VG-87-NL 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
- Early milking 2yr. old by Danno
- Projected 11.822kgM in 305 days with 3.6% PROTEIN!!
- Danno x Man-O-Man x Goldwyn

Manders Femmy VG-87-NL 2yr. (PEDIGREE
- Sundance x Snowman x Bouw Goldwyn Femmy VG-88-UK
- POLLED daughter by Rafter scored +342 NVI (08/16)
- Same family as Bouw Rocky, Finder, Final, Snowfever, Snowblast, Snowrush & many others!

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