Bickleygate Mission Roxy *RC PP
(Mission P x Powerball-P x Epic)
Homozygote heifer from the Golden-Oaks Perk Rae-Red EX-90-USA cow family!
Reg No.
June 12, 2017Genomic Result
DE 12/17 RZE +124 / RZM +136 / RZG +147Details
- Homozygote Red Carrier Mission P from the Perk-Rae cow family!
- She scores 147 RZG!! (12/17)
- Huge production: +1364kgM with +0.07% Protien (German base) (12/17)
- Goes back on Queen of the breed I&II, Glendrige Citation Roxy EX-97
- Close family to Scientific Debutante Rae EX-92-USA, Res. Grand Champion WDE Madison 2005
- Same family as the popular bull Scientific Destry @ ABS
- She scores PLI +497 (UK index) (12/17)
Sahara Powerball Perfekt
Sahara Powerball Perfekt
Will be fresh soon
- Great transmitting cow!
- Several daughters!
Sahara Perfekt *P VG-87-UK 2yr.
Sahara Perfekt *P VG-87-UK 2yr.
La1 305d 9.303kgM 3.4%F 3.1%P
La2 305d 11.219kgM 3.4%F 3.1%P
La2 305d 11.219kgM 3.4%F 3.1%P
- Unique POLLED Epic daughter!
- Dam is maternal sister to Parma PP
- Grand dam is the Red Impact Cow of the Year 2012 (HI)
- Former #1 Polled Heifer in Europe / Former #2 World Wide
Genervations EPIC
Golden-Oaks Gwyn Perky *RC *PO VG-USA 2yr.
Golden-Oaks Gwyn Perky *RC *PO VG-USA 2yr.
Just Fresh
- Polled & Red Carrier Goldwyn-daughter from the Roxy's
Next Dams
4th Golden-Oaks Perk Rae-Red-ET *PO EX-90-USA
5th Scientific Beauty Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM
6th Scientific Jubilant Rae *RC EX-90-USA DOM
7th Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM
8th Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM
9th Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMD DOM
10th C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD
11th C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90-USA
12th Norton Court Reflection Vale VG-85-USA