
Sell your high bulls on the Online Elite Bull Sale!

In the week starting June 16, interesting bulls or first choices from pregnancies will be auctioned on: www.onlinebullsale.com
Your high PI or genomic indexed bulls and also potentially high indexing pregnancies can now be entered for this June Elite Bull Sale.

Please contact:

Jan de Vries  |   Tel. +31 (0)6 26250502  |  Email. jandevries@diamond-genetics.nl
Alison Maddrell, DG UK  |  Tel.  0044 (0)7748 960267  |  Email. alison@diamondgenetics.co.uk
Andreas Middelkamp, Holstein Selekt  |  Tel. +49 (0) 1711979157  |  Email. amiddelkampf@holsteinselect.de
Jan van de Oord, DG France   |   Tel. +33 (0)679961625  |   Email. jan.vdo@diamond-genetics.fr

--> Please send pedigrees or inform us about a first choice offering from your high pregnancies before June 1. Red and/or polled is welcome too!

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