
Swiss Expo 2016: B&W Class 1

Swiss Expo 2016: B&W Class 1    


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Category 1. (8)

1. Bel Galactico Zuba (Galactico) – All Beltramino / Peter Ridler (IT)
2. Supreme Extreme Selfie (Extreme) – Patrick Demont (CH)
3. Magnolia Doorman Love Free (Doorman) – All. La Magnolia (IT)
5. Les Chaux Unix Tosca (Unix) – Comex Pharisa-Jaquet (CH)
4. La Boilleyre Seaver NEptune (Seaver) - Benoit Cardinaux (CH)

1. Bel Galactico Zuba (Galactico) – All Beltramino / Peter Ridler (IT)

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