
Swiss Expo Holstein B&W Results

One of the greatest shows in the World, Swiss Expo was held last weekend in Lausanne, Switzerland. Again a great show with good atmosfer and fantastic quality of animals. Decrausaz O'Kalibra defended her title successfully and won the Grand Championship! Galys-Vray and Posozaa Goldwyn Sonia from Al.Be.Ro Holsteins & partners won Res. Grand Champion & HM. Championships. Great success for Bons Holsteins from the Netherlands who won the Res. Jr. Championship with Bons-Holsteins Koba 219. Click further for the complete results of the B&W Holstein Show.




Grand Champion: Decrausaz O'Kalibra (Boss Iron) - GS Alliance & Pat Conroy
Res. Grand Champion: Galys-Vray (Atwood) - Junker, Staub & Al.Be.Ro Holsteins
HM. Grand Champion: Posozaa Sonia (Goldwyn) - Beltramino, Luca F Sarreri & Al.Be.Ro Holsteins

Jr. Champion: Doug Artes Tina (Artes) - Nathalie Rey, Erica Rijneveld, Pat Conroy & W. Serrabassa
Res. Jr. Champion: Bons-Holsteins Koba 219 (Laurhority) - Bons Holsteins
HM. Jr. Champion: Nova Ida (Extreme) - Scl Novalait 

Intermediate Champion: Holst Papaux Fever Noella (Fever) - Comex Currat-Papaux-Piller
Res. Int. Champion: Holst Papaux Seaver Natalia (Seaver) - Comex Currat-Papaux-Piller
HM. Int. Champion: Valana (Sid) - Gaec de Wittelsheim

Int. Best Udder: Holst Papaux Fever Noella (Fever) - Comex Currat-Papaux-Piller
Res. Int. Best Udder: Mox Shottle Domenica (Shottle) - Francois Chollet

Senior Best Udder: Carmen OTS (Goldwyn) - Sci Ferme D'Autes
Res. Sr. Best Udder: Galys-Vray (Atwood) - Junker, Thomas Staub & Al.Be.Ro Holsteins


Decrausaz O'Kalibra - Grand Champion Swiss Expo '15

Galys-Vray - Res. Grand Champion & Res. Sr. Best Udder

Posozaa Goldwyn Sonia - HM. Grand Champion

Carmen-Ots - Best Udder Champion

Holst-Papaux Fever Noella - Intermediate & Int. Best Udder Champion

B&W Best Udder Champions

Intermediate Champions

Doug Artes Tina - Junior Champion 

Bons-Holsteins Koba 219 - Res. Jr. Champion

Pictures: Schweizerbauer.ch

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