
Top Genomics


USA | Top 50 NM$ Calves (<9 months) - 12/24

December 2024
1DRAKKAR CAMPARIThorson x Captain x CharlEba Hanoi320413350.41Drakkar Holsteins (FR)
2HOGBR304238616645Leeds x Benefit x FortniteAnderstrup DG Calico313813210.27Denovo UK
3GO-FARM BEKY ETSheepster x Captain x PursuitGlen-D-Haven Elton Billy330713201.30Go-Farm Holsteins (IT)
4NO-PE LIONEL BROADWAYLionel x Gameday x PursuitOrthoapple Marshall Alia330113151.80Czech Owned
5HODEU001407071211AltaSamson x Jalapeno x AlphabetCookiecutter MOM Halo319013120.72German Owned
6HOGBR582891223208Danville x Benefit x FortniteAnderstrup DG Calico316913110.36Denovo UK
7SLOUPNICE SARA 6538 ETThorson x Captain x RapidSloupnice Gina320813020.52Sloupnice Holsteins (CZE)
8HOGBR582891522917Danville x Benefit x FortniteAnderstrup DG Calico317813010.76UK Owned
9LUIS-OOH 304035 ETThorson x Captain x KenobiNH HS Balisto Marilyn Monroe319712960.73Italian Owned
10GO FARM BENNY ETPeace x Gameday x TimberlakeGlen-D-Haven Elton Billy325012861.02Go-Farm Holsteins (IT)
11HOGBR582891422874Billboard x Benefit x FortniteAnderstrup DG Calico317712860.58UK Owned
12DG BUGSYCaptain x Taos x AristocratLylehaven Lila Z325312750.59Diamond Genetics (NL)
13DG LOETHE BOLT 4624Action x Captain x CrownmaxBel Iron Irene320012750.92Diamond Genetics (NL)
14DG COWAltaKawaii x Captain x AltaZazzleGlamour Carlin327512701.29Diamond Genetics (NL)
15HOGBR304238216655Leeds x Mendel P x CrosbyWesswood-HC Rudy Missy311012700.39UK Owned
16PALAMINI 046996 ETThorson x Captain x PursuitItalian family323612691.14Italian Owned
17MILKMEN 3544519281Cumulus x Captain x InvictusVilma319912650.92Milkmen Ltd (HU)
18HOGBR160131233921Dominance x Captain x SilveradoWhittier-Farms Ned Boy313612650.16UK Owned
19DG DANIQUE SYNReal Syn x Captain x CrimsonAl-Lew Monterey Ashley318912610.70Diamond Genetics (NL)
20SLOUPNICE SARA 6530 ETThorson x Captain x RapidSloupnice Geena313812610.45Sloupnice Holsteins (CZE)
21HOGBR100751205678Klassic P x Tennessee x AtriumDes-Y-Gen Planet Silk30561260-0.06UK Owned
22COGENT THORSON COMET AThorson x Captain x CrimsonGlamour Carlin318512590.75Cogent UK
23ENCANTO SUNDANCE 1006Sundance x Captain x RubiconGolden-Oaks Mark Prudence319912551.11Portugal Owned
24GEILES TEILDisruptor x Gameday x LegacySchilview Mtoto Gladd316512541.48Höven Holsteins & Danhof Holsteins (DE)
25HUL-STEIN SWEET WATERVenom x AltaWheelhouse x BreezerJK Eder DG Sweet305612510.06Hul-Stein (NL)
26HOGBR100751605675Klassic P x Aladdin x HeroicGlamour Carlin313612500.57UK Owned
27BG POWERHOUSE CP CARLINPowerhouse x Heroic x PerseusGlamour Carlin314612490.75UK Owned
28DG CATALEYAPace x Captain x AltaZazzleGlamour Carlin327212481.47Diamond Genetics (NL)
29GROSVENOR THORSON CARLA 2Thorson x Captain x RubiconWa-Del Cleitus Cindy315812450.71Grosvenor Holsteins (UK)
3045Redlea *RC x Captain x MaestroStoneden Fools Gold Red308012430.60Spanish Owned
31DRAKKAR CAMILLEThorson x Captain x CharlEba Hanoi319612421.02Drakkar Holsteins (FR)
32VEDETTEThorson x Captain x TropicRebelle323312401.53France Owned
33GROSVENOR THORSON BRIEThorson x Captain x RubiconGlamour Carlin319312401.30Grosvenor Holsteins (UK)
34DG CEYLIN ALTAKAWAII 4174AltaKawaii x Captain x AltaZazzleGlamour Carlin328012391.61Diamond Genetics (NL)
35SLOUPNICE ERIKA 6602 ETWar Gear x AltaPlinko x RocketfireCzech family316612390.93Sloupnice Holsteins (CZE)
36HOGBR161195430150Leeds x Acura x RioSeagull-Bay Oman Mirror311712390.94UK Owned
3746987Thorson x Captain x PursuitItalian family312412370.78Italian Owned
38HOGBR100751205664Hargrove P x Tennessee x AtriumDes-Y-Gen Planet Silk30441234-0.01Denovo UK
39SLOUPNICE JONAS 6643War Gear x Captain x TwitchChorusic Shamrock Jonas318112331.54Sloupnice Holsteins (CZE)
40SLOUPNICE VINIE 6668 ETWar Gear x Captain x RapidSloupnice Vinnie321712321.04Sloupnice Holsteins (CZE)
41HOGBR160131736166Illusion x Captain x LegacyRonelee Ou. Dabble317712321.31UK Owned
42HOGBR161195730132Captain x Acura x RioSeagull-Bay Oman Mirror320612311.12UK Owned
43LANY THORSON GEENA ETThorson x Captain x RapidSloupnice Geena317312310.99Czech Owned
44ALFIOR 5500Lionel x Captain x AltaLawsonItalian family312612311.01Italian Owned
45VIRTUOSEThorson x Captain x TropicRebelle323012251.46France Owned
46DRAKKAR CASSADYThorson x Captain x CharlEba Hanoi311712210.79Drakkar Holsteins (FR)
47HOGBR581440509186AltaZazu x AltaPlinko x GoddardJackbuilt Chairman Mandy29881221-0.67UK Owned
48DG CEYLAU 4179McLaurin x Captain x AltaZazzleGlamour Carlin336812202.21Diamond Genetics (NL)
49VIEWSAltaKawaii x Jalapeno x AlphabetCookiecutter MOM Halo317412200.92France Owned
50HOESP020816387450Ramble x AltaSohot x DynamoSpanish family309012200.13Spanish Owned


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