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Wilder K25 Red EX-90-DE

(Brekem x Snowman)

Dam to the #5 RZG R&W Bull in Germany!


Wilder Holsteins
View Breeder Profile

Reg No.



July 6, 2014

Production Records

La1 305d 12.270kgM 3.8% 463F 3.5% 423P
La2 305d 13.768kgM 3.7% 514F 3.6% 492P
3.00 305d 13.019kgM 3.8% 488F 3.5% 457P



Genomic Result

US 12/19 GTPI +2115 / NM $ 393 / PTAT +1.08 [ Details ]
DE 04/17 RZE +132 / RZM +130 / RZG +140
NL 04/17 Type +110 / NVI +273


  • One of the highest R&W cows in the Dutch test system: NVI +273 (R&W base!) 4/17
  • Dam to BAYMAX RED @ Masterrind - #5 RZG R&W bull in Germany (RZG +152) 4/17
  • Maternal sister to Wilder KANU P-RED @ Semex
  • Multiple high ranking sons an daughters in various test systems
  • Dam to Wilder K26 *RC & Konzert *RC (s. Battlecry) - RZG +156 (4/17)
  • The deep German Wilder K family from Holtkamp!


WILDER FLEER K1 (D.O.B. February 2016)
US 12/19 GTPI +2130 / PTAT +1.31
WILDER K 1001 (D.O.B. July 2016)
US 12/19 GTPI +2169 / PTAT +0.94
(s. De-Su 12109 BATTLECRY)
WILDER K 1002 (D.O.B. June 2016)
US 12/19 GTPI +2150 / PTAT +1.21
(s. De-Su 12109 BATTLECRY)
WILDER K 1003 (D.O.B. June 2016)
US 04/21 GTPI +2347 / PTAT +0.63
(s. De-Su 12109 BATTLECRY)
WILDER K 1004 (D.O.B. June 2016)
US 04/21 GTPI +2312 / PTAT -0.35
(s. De-Su 12109 BATTLECRY)
WILDER K 1005 (D.O.B. June 2016)
US 12/20 GTPI +2261 / PTAT +0.25
(s. De-Su 12109 BATTLECRY)
WILDER K26 (D.O.B. February 2016)
US 04/22 GTPI +2442 / PTAT +0.64
(s. De-Su 12109 BATTLECRY)
WILDER K27 (D.O.B. May 2016)
US 12/19 GTPI +2103 / PTAT +1.01
(s. )
WILDER K27 (D.O.B. February 2016)
US 12/19 GTPI +2214 / PTAT +0.77
(s. De-Su 12109 BATTLECRY)
WILDER K28 (D.O.B. May 2016)
US 12/19 GTPI +2199 / PTAT +1.21
(s. )
Wilder K31 VG-87-DE (D.O.B. October 2016)
US 12/19 GTPI +2177 / PTAT +1.02
WILDER K33 (D.O.B. May 2016)
US 12/19 GTPI +2098 / PTAT +1.08
(s. )
WILDER K41 (D.O.B. August 2016)
US 04/22 GTPI +2489 / PTAT -0.05
(s. BOARD-ET )
Wilder K41 *RC VG-87-DE (D.O.B. December 2016)
US 12/19 GTPI +2263 / PTAT +0.95
(s. BOARD-ET )
WILDER K42 (D.O.B. August 2016)
US 12/19 GTPI +2148 / PTAT +1.28
(s. BOARD-ET )
WILDER K44 VG-85-DE (D.O.B. August 2016)
US 04/21 GTPI +2309 / PTAT +0.48
(s. BOARD-ET )
Wilder Kalibra *RC VG-86-NL 2yr. (D.O.B. February 2016)
US 04/21 GTPI +2312 / PTAT +0.18
(s. De-Su 12109 BATTLECRY)
Wilder Kasalla-Red VG-86-DE (D.O.B. May 2017)
US 08/21 GTPI +2400 / PTAT +1.27
WILDER KASIMIR (D.O.B. September 2018)
US 04/21 GTPI +2384 / PTAT +0.66
WILDER KELLY (D.O.B. August 2023)
US 11/23 GTPI +2485 / PTAT +1.01
(s. )
Wilder Konzert *RC (D.O.B. March 2016)
US 04/21 GTPI +2347 / PTAT +0.59
DE 04/17 RZE 139 / RZG 156 / RZM 130 / RZN 137
(s. De-Su 12109 BATTLECRY)
WILDER KOR (D.O.B. May 2017)
US 04/22 GTPI +2489 / PTAT +0.90


Swissbec BREKEM *RC
Wilder Kanu 111 *RC VG-88-DE
La1 305d 11.154kgM 4.5% 500F 3.3% 366P
La2 305d 13.608kgM 4.1% 553F 3.3% 448P
La3/3 305d 12.987kgM 4.1% 529F 3.2% 417P
  • Dam to Wilder KANU P-RED!
  • Several chart topping RC / RED offspring
  • Huge transmitting cow for the R&W breed
Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN
Wilder Kairo 55 *RC VG-89-DE
La1 305d 8.962kgM 4.2% 383F 3.3% 295P
La2 305d 9.161kgM 4.3% 389F 3.2% 294P
La3 305d 9.972kgM 4.3% 424F 3.2% 321P
Katja 23 *RC VG-87-DE
5.08 305d 11.964kgM 4.2% 497F 3.2% 382P
Lifetime: > 90.000kg Milk

Next Dams

4th Kathi 81

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