The magnificent production cow: Dueholm Alaska Pietje
The magnificent Dueholm Alaska Pietje EX-91-DK is the highest R&W milkproduction cow in Denmark over the last year! Alaska Pietje EX-91-DK produced in 376 days 23.555kgM with 3.4% Fat and 3.2% Protein with a lifetime production of 70.000kgM in four lactations! Pietje EX-91 is an Alaska-Red daughter from a Red Carrier Battlecry offspring and goes back to the Almere Pietje cow family. This family delivered Almere Pericles and Almere Pablo @ CRV and is from the same family as Jorch, Snow *RC, Elspe, Red Mist, Elwood, Deejay, Tequila, Haber and many more!
Photo credits: Christine Massfeller, Elly Geverink ©
Dueholm Alaska Pietje EX-91-DK EX-92-MS
Alaska x Dueholm Battelcry Sylke *RC (s. Battlecry) x Dueholm Aikman Sylke Red VG-85-DK 2yr. (s. Aikman)
La4. 376d 23.555kgM 3.4%F 3.2%P
- Highest R&W Production cow last year in Denmark
3rd dam: Marla Matrix Sylke VG-86-DK 2yr.
Matrix-Red x Marla Spener Sally VG-87-DK (s. Spencer) x Huyben Red Sylke EX-90-DK
La1 305d 15.715kgM 4.2% 607F 3.5% 511P
- The former highest RZG Matrix daughter on German base!
5th dam: Huyben Red Sylke EX-90-DK
- Bulldam
- 2nd in the Holstein International Red Holstein Cow of the Year 2007
Dueholmvej 2
Skive, Denmark