Willsbro Fitters Vray 4653
(Perennial x Arrow x Unix)
She is the #5 PTAT female in Europe at +3.74 PTAT (02/23)
Willsbro Holsteins
Reg No.
November 23, 2022Genomic Result
US 12/24 GTPI +2169 / NM $ -82 / PTAT +3.71 [ Details ]CA 02/23 GLPI +2827 / Conf. +11
- She is the #5 PTAT female in Europe at +3.74 PTAT (02/23)
- She has a great TYPE index: +3.74 PTAT with +2.89 UDC and +1.96 FLC (02/23)
- She scores in her Canadian index: +11 Conformation with +11 Mammary System! - February '23
- Her dam is the very promising MS Arrow Gala - Sold for 15.000 EUR at the German Masters Sale '21
- 2nd dam is Mattenhof Unix Gaiana VG-88-UK VG-87-MS La2, she is the #1 PTAT dtr from Galys-Vray
- 3rd dam is the tremendous European Show Colmar '16: Galys-Vray EX-94-CH!
- Family produced many successful show cows, like Hanna-Vray EX-96-CH EX-98-MS
- Same family BESNE BUCK, sire of Jocko Besne and more!
MS Arrow Gala
MS Arrow Gala
Mattenhof Unix Gaiana EX-93-UK EX-93-MS
Mattenhof Unix Gaiana EX-93-UK EX-93-MS
La1. 305d 11.066kgM 3.7% 404F 3.3% 360P
4.06 305d 16.473kgM 3.8% 618F 3.0% 493P
4.06 305d 16.473kgM 3.8% 618F 3.0% 493P
- #1 PTAT dtr of Galys-Vray EX-94-CH!!
- Galys-Vray was Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2016!
- Also Grand Champion Expo Bulle & Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2015
- Family produced many successful show cows
Croteau Lesperron UNIX
Galys-Vray EX-94-CH
Galys-Vray EX-94-CH
2.02 305d 8.763kgM 3.6% 319F 3.2% 284P
3.05 305d 12.201kgM 3.5% 429F 3.3% 407P
3.05 305d 12.201kgM 3.5% 429F 3.3% 407P
- Grand Champion European Show Colmar '16, Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2016
- Grand Champion Expo Bulle '15 & '16 & Res. Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2015
- Jr. Milking Champion Swiss Expo 2014, Jr. 2-Yr. Old Champion SPACE 2013
- Full sister to: Hanna-Vray EX-95-CH EX-97-MS - Res. Grand & Udder Champion Swiss Expo '20
Next Dams
4th Corse-Vray EX-92-FR EX-92-MS
5th Naples Vray EX-90-FR
6th Lassie EX-90-FR
7th Gentille VG-88-FR
8th Lentille81 EX-90-FR
9th Lentille